This course has been developed to provide learners with an understanding of the serious repercussions of falls, and how to prevent them, in residential aged care.
This course is suitable for staff working in Australian residential aged care.
It is especially useful for staff who interact directly with older people, the ‘boots on the ground’ who spend their days providing personal care. These are the staff who can identify changes in the health or mobility of people receiving care and report it so that falls prevention strategies can be put in place.
Kineo is committed to improving the lives of people living in aged care. We have committed to a focus of providing high quality training to one of Australia’s busiest and fastest growing sectors. We know that the aged care sector is heavy on compliance training and staff require ongoing training to stay up-to-date on best practice. We aim to provide your learners with training that is current, engaging and won’t bore them out of their chairs. We’re working with subject matter experts who are as passionate about providing as high a quality level of care to consumers as we are to providing high quality training.
This course is useful as standalone training, or paired with our existing aged care courses to provide a holistic approach to aged care.
Designed to provide personal care workers and other support staff with an understanding of the serious repercussions of falls, as well as:
These courses feature:
This course has been developed to ensure key staff in care organisations are ready to implement falls prevention programs.