This product from Safe Work Practice contains the following Sessions:
Session 1: Theory Behind Hazardous Manual Task Principles (Fundamental Movements and Postures)
- Hazardous manual tasks principles
- Safe postures and movements for static and dynamic tasks
- Fundamental movements and postures
- Anatomy and common mechanisms of injury
Session 2: Land Based Tasks for Healthcare Workers
- Application of hazardous manual tasks principles to land based clinical tasks
- Application of safe movements and postures to perform effective land based clinical tasks
- Natural biomechanics of land-based tasks
- Hazard management in relation to land based tasks
- Anatomy and common mechanisms of injury when performing land-based tasks
- Aids and equipment available to empower patients/ residents/ clients/ customers to regain independence at land-based tasks
Session 3: Basic Bed Based Tasks for Healthcare Workers
- Application of hazardous manual tasks principles to basic bed based clinical tasks
- Application of safe movements and postures to perform effective basic bed based clinical tasks
- Natural biomechanics of basic bed-based tasks
- Hazard management in relation to basic bed-based tasks
- Anatomy and common mechanisms of injury when performing basic bed-based tasks
- Aids and equipment available to empower patients/ residents/ clients/ customers to regain independence at basic bed-based tasks
Session 4: Hoist Lifter Transfer Tasks for Healthcare Workers
- Application of hazardous manual tasks principles to hoist based transfers
- Application of safe movements and postures to perform effective hoist transfers
- Hazard management in relation to hoist based transfers
- Anatomy and common mechanisms of injury when performing hoist-based transfers
- The safety implications and risk management to demonstrate proficiency in the safe execution of this task
Session 5: Stand lifter Vs Stand Aid Transfers for Healthcare Workers
- Application of hazardous manual tasks principles to stand aid and stand lifter transfers
- Application of safe movements and postures to perform effective stand aid and stand lifter transfer tasks
- Hazard management in relation to stand aid and stand lifter tasks
- Anatomy and common mechanisms of injury when performing stand aid and stand lifter tasks
Session 6: Advanced Bed Based Tasks for Healthcare Workers
- Application of hazardous manual tasks principles to advanced bed based clinical tasks
- Application of safe movements and postures to perform effective advanced bed based clinical tasks
- Natural biomechanics of advanced bed-based tasks
- Hazard management in relation to advanced bed-based tasks
- Anatomy and common mechanisms of injury when performing advanced bed-based tasks
- Aids and equipment available to empower patients/ residents/ clients/ customers to regain independence at advanced bed-based tasks
Session 8: Falls Management
- Hazardous manual tasks principles in relation to assisting with post-fall support
- Safe postures and movements for providing post-fall support
- Hazard management strategies to provide post-falls support
- Common mechanisms of injury in relation to post falls support
Session 9: Ergonomics
- Hazardous manual tasks principles in relation to office-based work (static seated and standing work)
- Safe postures and movements for static seated and standing work
- Hazard management strategies to meet the principles of ergonomics
- How to adjust the environment to suit the needs of the individual
Session 10: Movement of Loads and Materials for Workers
- Application of hazardous manual tasks principles to the movement of loads and materials
- Application of safe movements and postures to perform effective movement of loads and materials
- Hazard management in relation to the movement of loads and materials
- Common mechanisms of injury when performing movement of loads
Theory Behind Hazardous Manual Task Principles (Fundamental Movements and Postures) Land Based Tasks for Healthcare Workers Basic Bed Based Tasks for Healthcare Workers Hoist Lifter Transfer Tasks for Healthcare Workers Stand lifter Vs Stand Aid Transfers for Healthcare Workers Advanced Bed Based Tasks for Healthcare Workers Vehicle Loading for Healthcare Workers Falls Management Ergonomics Movement of Loads and Materials for Workers