Sales and Customer Service

Work effectively in a team

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Work effectively in a team
This course is in the base subscription pack
Sales and Customer Service
Course Duration
Subject Matter Expert
Interaction Training
Interaction Training
ESG Course
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ready2work Retail

This course develops the skills and attitude needed to work effectively in a retail team environment. We emphasise the importance of clear communication, accountability, and collaboration and enhance your understanding of team dynamics, working together to manage tasks efficiently, support customers professionally, and achieve the goals your team seeks.

Target Audience

This course is from the ready2work Retail series, which is designed for both new and experienced retail professionals. The series offers practical skills crucial for success in the retail industry, such as customer service, sales techniques, inventory management, security, point-of-sale systems, etc., designed to help improve customer experiences, boost sales, and enhance operational efficiency.

Learning Outcomes

Master strategies for clear and courteous communication, recognising unconscious biases, and identifying special requirements. Learn to clarify work requirements, receive and act on instructions, and align with workplace goals and expectations. Balance individual and team goals to manage staffing challenges and execute tasks effectively. Align task planning with organisational strategies, adhere to specified timelines, and seek assistance when needed.

Topics include: Work Effectively in a Team: Effective Team Communication - Recognizing Unconscious Biases - Identifying Special Requirements - Clarifying Work Requirements - Receiving and Acting on Instructions - Aligning with Workplace Goals and Expectations - Demonstrating Courtesy and Helpfulness - Maintaining Open Communication - Assisting Team Members - Message Recording and Passing - Active Participation in Retail Teams - Embracing Accountability - Balancing Individual and Team Goals - Managing Staffing Challenges - Task Execution for Goals and Expectations - Adhering to Organisational Procedures - Staying Informed of Procedure Changes - Prioritising Tasks - Personal Responsibility - Enhancing Productivity through Efficiency - Fulfilling Personal Work Requirements - Aligning Task Planning with Organisational Strategies - Adhering to Specified Timelines - Efficient Timeline Management - Work Effectively in a Team – Unconscious Bias – Identifying Special Requirements – Work Requirements – Receiving and Acting on Instructions – Workplace Goals and Expectations – Transfer of Information – Assistance – Recording Information – Active Participation – Embracing Accountability – Achieving Team Goals – Retail Issues – Organisational Expectations and Procedures – Staying Up-To-Date – Prioritising Tasks – Personal Responsibility – Improving Productivity – Task Planning – Managing Scheduled Timelines – Seeking Assistance - Encouraging, acknowledging, and acting upon constructive feedback - Providing clear and concise information - Be open and honest when challenges arise- Diversity in communication – Conflict - Team Problem Solving - Communication, Collaboration and Recognition - Positive Relationship Characteristics

Contextualised Content

retail, workplace, skills, competencies, competency, policies, procedures, knowledge, experience, relationships, conflict, communication, collaboration, recognition, conflict, resolution, standards.